Some Americans justify the wars against Iraq and Afganistan are interventions for the good of thier people, and the security of thier nation and the world.They believe that President Must have had evidance on national security risk before taking the last and dire step of invasion.
This is a cruical point,If there was credible imminent threats to US National security then the wars must have been justified under UN Charter of self Defense.
however ,if the wars were not incredible,or fabricated,then these wars are illegal wars of aggression, so which it is?
All what we have to do now is to match the Government Cliams to actual evidance and you will decide for yourself.
there were four basic cliams that were poted by the Political Leadership invading on Iraq
1- Iraq has weapons of mass destruction(WMD),a sacry name of dangerous chemical and biological weapons.
2- US interceped Aluminum tubes that could only be used to refine nuclear material, giving an indication that Iraq has started nuclear program.
3- Saddam has attemped to purchase enriched Urinum from niger, a more constitute evidance of Iraqnuclear Program.
4-Saddam has links to Al-Qaida, the allegaed terrorist that attacked America on 9/11.
Director of CIA acknowledged that all the US intelligance reports "never said that there were imminent threats" this was based on long histroy of intelligence reports.
The fact that all chemical and biological weapons were weak without a delivery system and that Iraq has strong motivation not to use them against US,
The aluminun tube were Small and Has high thickness and using these tubes will be huge step backword as the surface will be anodized that will make more difficult to serve the purpose as directed by the US Depertmant of Energy(DOE) and International Atomic Energy agency(IAEA).
The 3rd argument was based on Niger documents.These papers were written in grammatically poor french and has a child like forgy of Niger president signature and has been signed by the Niger Foreign minister who has been out of Office for 14 years prior to the date of the document.
If saddam was purchasing illegal urinum then both saddam and Niger officials would persist on not having a written record that could document a crime.CIA president warned Us bush not to make this claim.
All US Intelligence reported that no such relationship exists.
US invaded on Afganistan with out any kind of evidance and without the UN Security councel approval.
The President BUSh stated That there is no need to find any evidance or innocence or guilty
We know he is at guilty.
Why now president OBAMA and other leadership communicated these above facts to US public and thier own nation.