Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Main Cause Of Pakistani Terrorism Situation

The main cause comes under a deed of agreement which U.S Government made by the Pakistani Government.This agreement states that

(1)- Stop all Al-qaida Operations at your borders,Block armed shipment through Pakistan and end all logistical support for Bin Laden.

(2)- Provide the united states with blanket overflight and landing rights to conduct all necessary intelligence operations.

(3)- provide territorial acess to U.S and Intelligence as needed and other personel to conduct all necessary operations.

(4)- provide the U.S immediately intelligence ,immigration information and database about internal security .

(5)- pakistan government should condemn publically all terrorist attack.

(6)- pakistan should break diplomatic relationship with Talibans.

some of these demands were accepted as it is and rest were in some deformed form.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Objective Behind Hilmand Attack????

Question of the day is, what is the objectives behind Super power attack in Hilmand?

There are many causes behind this along withone that America has explained.Hilmand is the centre of Al-Qaida and Taliban in Afganistan.

Other reasons which are in the main objective are as fallows.

Firstly, this land is full of natural resources. all the precious crops and metals are presnt here, even the most important Urinum is present here.Super powers have already transferred thier mechaniary to extract Urinum.

Secondly, This part of Afganistan is linked with Gwader Port, so by sitting here super power can control the trade of Pakistan and China,

Thirdly,This land is near Iran, Which is another Nuclear power and danger for super powers. they can control Iran from here.the plan is to keep an eye on Thier Nuclear plan.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are Americans fool???????

American exterior minister has said that America has no danger from Iran and its nuclear Program.America has abig danger from Al-Qaida.How amazing and interesting question is if any one in this world is dare to ask from America.
you are super have ruined Afganistan and Iraq.You have ruined thousand billions dollar against Al-qaida. still you are not been able to capture Al-Qaida that clearly indicates that something wrong in the bottom.
so with game plan is America going to make fool to Americans, to the world???????????????
This is not the story of a generation it is the story of series of generations.

Al-Qaida a Key Enemy for India.

currently Al-Qaida is becoming a Key enemy for India Who assumes itself to be the next super power. For them all what happened in India, Pakistani taliban and Al-Qaida are responsible for that.In Bombay attacks they thought and infact they ionvolved pakistan.but they donot know and no body in this World to tell India that India should give equal rights to its nation. They are not doing so and that is the main cause behind Bombay attacks.
no body is there to tell India that there are one thousand and twelve seperation movements are progressing in India. that is the main cause of terrorist attacks in India.
india has black listed Thirty four(34) such Organizations but could not control them uptill today.
If India will not give equal rights to its nation then it is possible that India will have to split itself atleast ten equal pieces.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thirst for Oil.

as mentioned in the aims of Al-qaida formation,Capturing the world Oil resources was the main purpose,That is why they played the game of 9/11 on the great purposes and captured on Iraq, the one of the Largest oil resources holder in this world.This thirst of oil is not over yet.this thirst is going on and on and possibly the next target of All super power s is Iran. Which is another big Oil spplier in this world.Super power in collaburation with Al-Qaida are planning to Attack on Iran possibilly in Next few years.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Motto of Al-Qaida Leadership.

When we study the histry of Al-Qaida, we come to know about the motto of the AL-Qaida is to use the power of the people / power of the countery like a tissupaper
until they are in your favour and when thier favour changes against you(nominal super powers and hidden leadership of Al-qaida) then crush them out and through in the dust bin.This idea clearly tells the story of what is going on today in this world.
what they have done in Afganistan,They use the people of Afganistan against thier enemy i.e againgst Russia in the year 1990s.When Afganistani refused to obey them
they tend to wipe Afganistani Leadership out of this world.But the fact is these
super powrer did not know that they have enterd in such a Sahahra Desset where thier is no water for life.they have to decide wisely that what to do because this land is not going to forgive you easily. Most probably thier dead bodies could never find thier last rest place.

Why Muslims are big target of Al-Qaida????????

Muslims are big Target of Al-Qaida.This situation notifies two ideas
(1)-Muslims are not the leaders and forefathers of Al-Qaida.
()- The Al-Qaida leadership(People which are in back of This) know very well that there is only one nation Which can be the hardle in the achievements of their goals and they are Muslims.
Muslims have an ability to stand from frogs sleep and can change the world.
so they have basic aim to finish the Muslim or atleast make them so weak that they
could not able to today Al-Qaida game plan for Muslims clearly reflects this idea.
so it is a lesson and Wake up Call for the Muslims.
WAKE UP................
WAKE UP...........................
WAKE UP................
otherwise Your story will never be among the stories of the World.

Al-Qaida a Key Enemy for Pakistan??????

Today Al-Qaida and Taliban Have become a Key Enemy for Pakistan.Every Terrorist attack which took place in any place in Pakistan,Al-Qaida is responsible for that
Is Al-Qaida is responsible for that,this is a million dollar Question.Law minister and interior Minister both have the same thinking about this concept.The most powerful conspiracy theory says that it is so.
A Systematic investigation is necessary to reveal the fact what actually is going
on but fact of the day is some power are not allowing the Government to do so. are there the Al-qaide inside Leadership is involved who never in the front line and guiding the World by just sitting in background.

Are Al-Qaida Taliban Muslims??????

Are Al-Qaida Taliban Muslims??????
A new Question is that whether Al-Qaida Taliban Leaders and forces are Muslims or non-muslims?when we search the histry,
The Muslim Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.h) says in his teachings that The person who murdered another person without any solid reason he is not among us(among Muslims).
another place he says that a person who killed a person is like that he killed the whole mankind.
In the limelight of these teachings Al-Qaida leaders and thier force can never be the Muslims.Infact they are the people appointed by Nominal Super powers to serve for thier welfare.
In any case if they are muslims then they would have been discriminated from Islam.

Al-Qaida a Key Enemy for Super Powers???????

Interesting and amazing thing in today world is that the Al-Qaida has become the key
enemy for world Super powers.Every thing which happens in and outside of super power country then Al-Qaida is responsible for that.All the time they are under Al-Qaida Threaten.That is the big Question and still answerable?????
Who told more than Two thousands people present in the World Trade center that there
is a terrorist attack is going on in 09/11.
As there are those people which are founder of Al-Qaida.

Aims & Objectives of Al-Qaida.

Following are the Aims and objectives of the establishment of Al-Qaida.
(1)- To secure a well established place for the Super Powers.
(2)- To use this against their enemy as a weapon.
(3)- To Threaten the world with this and keep others subordinate forcefully.
(4)- To Capture World fuel and Oil Resources.
(5)- To Insert the world into new wars so that their armed/ weapon factories keep
on progressing

What was the origin of Al-Qaida?

To get the answer of this Question, We have to go back in the past , There are lot of conspiracy theories about the origin of Al-Qaida.The most powerful conspiracy theory said that in the year 1973-74 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto advised Shah Faisal, the Head of Saudia Arabia to stop the Fuel Supplies To The Western and European Countries due to some religious Issues.Shah Faisal did so.All the western Factories stopped due to this act of Shah Faisal.The nominal super powers decided that they should have something with which they can force the world to serve them continuously and uninterruptedly hence the establishment of Al-Qaida came in to being. The today world situation clearly reflects the same idea and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto get the reward of death due to this act.