Monday, April 5, 2010

Are American Leaving Afganistan?????

Today the question is
are Americans Soldiers Leaving Afganistan.
last month American President Came on a sudden and unscheduled tour in Afganistan.There he delievered a Speach to the Americans and native forces to encourage thier morals and ensures them that they are doing an excellent job for the United states of America and american People.
What the Fact under line is that the American And Western forces have fad up with this un attainable struggle against the wariers of the century.
Reports shows that rate of assination of American soldiers is increasing day by day by the Talibans and native peoples. this is creating a big desperation among the western soldiers.
almost 50% soldiers are about to mad they have reached in such a state that they are killing themselves. this is also causing great confusion among higher authorities.
Americans have reached in such a state that they are about to fly from Afganistan and will never come back.
The Loss and expenditure of America in Afganistan is also increasing day by day just like a big giant.
To tell you the Truth,
it's time for President Obama to reverse course and leave Afghanistan, as well as Iraq.
Leaving Afghanistan will not only relieve the explosive pressure inside Pakistan and give Islamabad a chance to restore order, it will also give Russia, Iran and India time to ponder what they will do in Americans absence. All three have far more at stake in the region than the United States does.

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